
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Paying it Forward Without Realizing It - The Bike Giveaway

I shared a few days ago that I was working on fixing up a bike to give to someone who doesn't have a car and could use a method of transportation. 

I also shared how I got a neighbor boy to come help me fix up the bike and get new tire tubes put on it. I wanted to get it to him sooner than later so I asked Princess Four to ride it to the store where the man works, and I would pick her up. 

I was getting the bike ready to go and washing up the helmet we were giving him when I realized that Princess Three wanted to do a bike "Rally" type race and when she was working in one of our temples,  (we volunteer to work at the temple to help others who are attending for worship) she was visiting with one of the other workers, and they were talking about cycling. 

The other worker told my daughter that she just purchased a new bike and would like to give my daughter her old bike! Princess Three was So excited that she called and told me the good news because she was thinking of taking one of my bikes. Neither of the bikes I had were great but it was what we had. 

The woman followed through and Princess Three has been riding her new bike for a few months! 

Here I am following a feeling like I should help this immagrant by giving him my bike I don't ride anymore. 

God is so amazing in how he blesses us sometimes before we even can provide the item

for ourselves! Isn't she just cute with her bike! 

I spent some time with the man I gave the bike to showing him how the lock works, pu

tting on flashing LED lights so he can ride it safely at night. I put a bike bag on the front and put a sports d

rink in it for him. I then left as he was working. I get to my car and realized I forgot to tell him how the gear s

hift works! 

I ran back in and tried to explain how he would need to ride in a parking lot to figure out how to shift the gears and get himself used to how they shift as it has LOTS of gears and it will click if you don't get it right on the gear. I suggested he watch some youtube channels on it. 

He was very grateful to have something to do beside living in the motel he is currently staying in and it will give him some freedom to go to other stores than those near his motel.

I am so grateful that Princess Four was willing to ride the bike to him and for the boy that helped me put in the new tubes. It was a team effort! 

Have a blessed day!

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