
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Original Glue Stick - Fun Guessing Game with my Girls

I was shopping at a thrift store this week when they pulled a cart out from the back to put things on shelves. I thought that was unusual as they have stopped pulling out carts to refill shelves due to Covid. 

Since the pandemic, they usually just bring out armfuls of items so that people don't congregate around the carts causing close contact. I think it is a smart move. 

Just as I started moving towards the cart, one of the managers commented, "You better grab things quickly as we have to take this to the back room." I thought he was joking but he wasn't, the cart started to move to the back. 

I mentioned to him that I thought he was joking, and he said that the employee didn't know the rule about not taking carts out onto the sales floor and if I wanted anything, I could grab it quickly. 

The only thing on the cart that had any interest to me was an old glue dispenser that I used to use in elementary and middle school. It was so old that the once flexible robber top was so old that it was stuck onto the jar and was cracking. It was marked $0.75. I quickly picked up the dispenser and joked with some of the staff that my age was showing!~

I purchased it knowing that some of my girls were coming home for a few days and I thought it would be fun having them guess the use of the item! I wasn't sure if they would know what it was used for or not. 

I showed it to my youngest a few days ago, and she didn't guess what it was, so I thought it would be fun to ask my older daughters if they knew what it was, or to guess what it would be used for. They started guessing, and I thought I had better make a video of their guesses because some of them were quite funny. I stopped them quickly and pulled out the camera.

My favorites were: baby bottle, baby nose snot sucker, make-up applicator, and wax distributor. It wasn't until I said it was used for crafting that they were able to come close to guessing its use. 

It got me wondering how many other items like this there are out there that they may not know about! This could be a really fun college game! Typewriter eraser, erasing pen, correcting paper or tracing paper, and other school or home used items that became obsolete with progress. 

I took some photos, but the video is fun to watch. 

Have a Blessed day! 

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