
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Grandchildren's Favorite Gifts

I had another busy day. I have several Princess's coming down to visit for a few days. I love that I will get to spend some time with them. 

I figured I would share a few cute photos of my adorable grandchildren for a post, since I am late getting a post done.

I always take a few gifts when I go visit the grandchildren as I can't always see them on their birthdays, or I will find something they have asked me for in the past, etc. 

I asked them to share their favorite toy or activity with me so I could take a photo. I took a little Dora book to read and do as an activity, and I read it over and over to Grand Prince Two and he would find it and sit for an hour at a time over the few days we were there reading the pages "pictures" and pushing the correlating musical buttons. The other children each read the book at least once, but when it came to packing up the book and brining it home, I didn't have the heart to take it away. I asked his mom if I could let him keep it. He was very happy to have it stay! 

Grand Prince One had a birthday awhile back, and I gave him a dinosaur themed gift with books, different dinosaur figures, a few dino shirts, a dinosaur egg kit, and a propelled dinosaur truck. 

He and his brother loved the truck as it went with the "Dinotruck" book I also gave him. He shared that toy and had fun playing with the box of larger dinosaurs. Princess Five shared that they had a long play session where he made up a long story that was interactive with them. 

Grand Princess One loves any type of activity. I always take boxes of them when I go. This time I took several tool kits and may share more on that later, but wanted to share the birdhouse that she put together as I love this photo of her as she looks so cute! 

I am very blessed to have such beautiful and healthy grandchildren and I wish I could spend more time with them, but I am grateful for the time I do get! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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