
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Happy Birthday To Me - Celebrating With Kids Home

My girls are all moving around currently, and knowing that I wouldn't have them home at the same time for an unknown amount of time, we decided a week or two ago to celebrate my birthday. 

I haven't had many girls home at the same time except for holiday and now Covid. With that, I wanted to have a few home to celebrate my big day as it isn't much fun celebrating by myself. 

I decided to pick up some sushi as it is one of our favorite foods. Since Princess Four was a missionary in Japan, she LOVES sushi. I allowed her to pick one of the sushi, and Princess Five to pick another. When I was checking out, the Sushi guy that makes it fresh daily found out it was my birthday and he gave me another sushi free! 

I always make friends with the sushi people at our local store as they pass through every year or so as a new trainee comes in to train in our small town and then move onto a bigger town with more stores as they learn to make more. I appreciate having a sushi person in our town, as for most years, we have never had any way to get sushi.

I bought a few new movies and allowed the girls to pick which to watch. The girls sang to me with a candle in the sushi! It was a fun way to celebrate with them. I love that I got to celebrate with someone. 

I also got to do a video call with the family and I forgot to take a screen shot. I got one of Princess Four in the other room talking to Grand Prince One. It was great getting to visit with them. 

I enjoyed the sushi and took some of the zucchini muffins the girls made to thank the Sushi guy at the store for his kindness in giving us an extra sushi! He is from Burma and is such a sweet person. I love getting to know new people. 

I hope you all are as blessed to have loved ones to spend your birthday with! Stay safe and have a blessed day! 

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