
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Getting Princess Five Ready To Leave For College

I have been working each day on doing things to get Princess Five ready to head to college. I packed up individual rice packets today so she can just dump them in the rice cooker. I packed up other food items from all the kitchen cupboards.

Princess Four had me get a TV for her when her roommate moved out that owned the TV. Her other roommate's parents purchased a TV for them at the same time I purchased one. Her roommates car was larger so she took her TV to their apartment and I have just been storing the one I purchased for Princess Four. 

Since she is moving home, she said Princess Five could take the TV to her new apartment for college. Today we decided to check out if we could get her new computer to work with the TV so she could hook it up with Netflix, or use it online with YouTube etc. 

When she purchased her computer a few weeks ago, she was going to buy one with a DVD player, but she decided to change her choice of new computers and got one without a DVD optic drive. I told her that I may have purchased one a few months ago at a second hand store that may work with her computer. 

She was able to download a driver and got the DVD player working. I had an extra HDMI cord and we were able to hook up her computer to the large screen TV and play a DVD on the TV. 

It may seem like a little thing, but the TV was less than $100, I think it may have been $40, but either way, the DVD player was $5 at a thrift store, and I buy HDMI cords when I see them at thrift stores. 

Princess Five is getting excited to get started at school. She spent the day packing up clothes to move. She also visited with one of her best friends who is getting married soon. I hope I can get her ready so that she won't have anything to focus on other than making new friends and learning! 

I am going to miss her, but am so grateful that she has been able to get two jobs to support herself at college, and that she found good housing and is healthy and can go to school. I am blessed! 

Stay safe and have a blessed day! 

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