
Monday, August 17, 2020

Going Through the Closet - Getting Rid Of More Clothes

Last year, I went through my clothes closet KonMari method.  In looking up the post, it was just over one year ago I went through all the clothes. Here is the post about that.

Since losing weight since January, I have gone down a few clothes sizes. I hesitate getting rid of clothes because when I have times of stress or times of not sleeping, I gain weight quickly. I gained five pounds back in the last week and a half due to not getting much sleep and having all the girls home and going out of town for a long day. 

I do fairly well when I am home and have kept the 40 lbs for months. Recently, with all the not sleeping and stress, it doesn't matter what I eat, it just goes back on. 

It is hard to know if I should get rid of the larger clothes when it is so stressful and I can't regulate weight gain. I am happy that I have been able to keep off the weight for months, but just don't know that I can guarantee keeping it off. 

I have two of the girls home currently for a few days and they kept offering to help me go through and get rid of the larger and outdated clothes. 

We spent an hour or so with them sharing their thoughts on what I should keep, which looked good, which would look better if I lost a few more pounds. They were super helpful and easy going about it. I gave up worrying about if I liked it, and trusted their opinion on what I should keep and what I should get rid of. 

I kept a few favorite shirts that are a bit tight knowing that I will be getting back to dieting as soon as Princess Five heads off to school. 

I have four bags of "get rid of" things Many are cute but are now big and don't fit well. I do know someone that I think will be able to use a few of them. Whatever she doesn't want, I can share with the food bank as they give out clothes free. I just know at times during my divorce, buying clothes for myself was always a last priority after purchasing things for my girls and other necessities of life. I am glad I can help others who may be struggling in life. 

I appreciate that my girls care enough about me to help me look my best. I am blessed to have such wonderful and amazing girls. I hope I can continue releasing weight. It would be nice needing to go through my clothes on a regular basis to remove the larger clothes! 

Have a safe and blessed day! 

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