
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Jewelry Sorting Treasure Hunt - Silver Ring

I haven't posted any jewelry sorting videos in some time. I was reviewing my uploaded videos on YouTube yesterday and realized that I have quite a few jewelry sorting / treasure hunting videos that I never edited and published on YouTube due to getting lots at the same time and how long it takes me to upload things and I get busy doing other things and think that I posted things sometimes. I realize much later that I took the pictures and even uploaded the photos, but I just never posted it. 

I am going to upload a few of them this week and try to catch up some on my YouTube videos as there are LOTS that I haven't actually taken the time to post as it takes some time to get all the tags and things done to upload them. 

Be patient with me as I have been sick and I am trying to get Princess Five ready for college and moving. 

Enjoy! Have a Blessed Day! 

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