
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Catching up Posting Some Grab Bag Videos

Hey Friends, today I am going to share another grab bag video. I have quite a few on my YouTube channel that I uploaded and never posted. I figure I could use the income from people watching them, and they are already made and uploaded, I just need to take the time to list them. 

I have quite a few other videos that need to be posted, but the new way to list takes me at least an hour or more per video. Since my videos all have different content, you have to put new tags to search each video. It would be simple if my channel was all one type of video, like children's songs, or financial advice, as you do your tags once, you description once for all the videos. With my channel the way it is, I have to create new lists, description and tags for each video. 

Making the thumbnail custom and eye catching also takes time. I am getting better at it, and it is coming a bit faster finally, but my frustration is that I have over 900 videos on YouTube now and need to go back and put tags on at least 800 of them! 

I need to make this a full time job to do that, however, it may pay off in the end with getting more views to my channel, so perhaps I should focus on that. 

I hope you enjoy my treasure hunting videos. I make myself laugh sometimes! 

Stay safe and have a Blessed day! 

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