
Monday, March 2, 2020

The Broadway Quilt is Finally Finished

I can't believe how long it took me to finish this Broadway quilt! Princess Five has been gone for 15 months so I wanted to finish it before she comes home!  

In August 2017,  I was collecting T-shirt's to make a Broadway Musical quilt for Princess Five. 

In September 2017, I was collecting t-shirts to make a musical quilt for Princess Five. Here is a link to the first post I made about collecting shirts. 

I finally had enough shirts to begin making the quilt in September 2017. Here is the post about that. 

Over a year later, in October 2018, I finally finished cutting the t-shirts for the quilts. Here is a link about that. 

Here is a post about how I fill some of the necklines of the shirts that are a little small. 

Here is a post in January 2020 showing how I finally finished sewing the quilt top together. Here is theat post. 

Have a Blessed Day!

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