
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Princess Five was Proposed to Over Text in NY

Hola Hola!

• I was proposed to over text, I told him no, and he was pretty crushed about it... I'm sure he'll be ok.

•This week we had Zone Conference! It was so good, just what I needed!

•We did so much Facebook work this week that Sister Staz's Facebook got shut down, and she had to make a new one.
• We had an incredible lesson with our friend Eva! We taught her the plan of salvation, and she explained it back to us perfectly! She is so excited about the gospel! And we are excited that she is excited about the Gospel!
• For leap day, sister Staz was a good sport and took a jumping picture with me!

• we invited our friend Jesus to church and he said he would come. So we let our ward council know about it so they would be looking for him and could welcome him, and our bishop responded saying, "Jesus is coming to church? We will all be on our best behavior." This ward's so funny. (Jesus did not end up coming to church and it was very sad)

•as we were knocking this week we were let into a house, they invited us to sit on there couch, then they proceeded to ignore us and just let us sit, so we started teaching them the restoration, then after a while the dad started listening... in the end they didn't end up wanting to learn more.

•A miracle we had this week was when we were street contacting I told a man named Antonio, that we were sharing the most important message in the world, and he told us we could come to his house and teach him and his family (which is a miracle in itself)! So on Saturday, after confirming the appointment we went to his house, and because of traffic and parking we were a little late. We had to park down the street and around the corner, about a half a block from where he lived. When we got there and knocked no one was home, so we decided to go do some knocking in another area. Do we walked back to the car and we had gotten in and were ready to drive away when Antonio popped by my window. It scared me, but we were happy to see him, he said that his family had just gotten home from buying groceries, and we had walked by their taxi, he had gotten out and called after us, but we didn't hear, so he chased us down half a block, and we are glad he did. We had a wonderful lesson with him and his wife, and we were able to answer some of the questions they've had. It was really nice having someone chase us down to share the gospel with them, I wouldn't mind if that happened more often.

Y eso es todo.


Hermana Princess Five 🌻

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