
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Quarantine Quilting - I Finally Finished a Quilt For My Cousin

 I visited my cousin about 1 1/2 years ago. I wanted to thank her for allowing us to stay with her in NY where she was living at the time. 

She has had an incredible life. I keep telling her she should write her story. She has lived in 35 different places or some huge number. She has a masters from Harvard, and has written many articles for the NY Times, and worked for Forbes. She has had guest appearances on all the major news shows. 

She started an online news network which she built from scratch. She just sold it and is now an White House correspondent. She has no fear. 

Since I have been in quarantine, I decided to finish some projects I have been working on. It took me many months to collect shirts from all the places she has lived, schools she attended, and things that represented her life. I got some help from my girls over the holidays which was wonderful. They helped me cut up many of the squares so it was already started.

I was able to finish cutting, sewing and bind the quilt this week being home. I have two more quilts lined up that I want to get finished in the next week or two under this quarantine. I was really excited to get her new address and get it in the mail today. 

I hope she enjoys it. I didn't have any of her actual shirts as she is a minimalist having moved so many times in her life. I was able to include a shirt from my mom's collection as this cousin was very close to my mother. 

I am not enjoying the quarantine by any means, as I like to get out at least once a day to run errands and get some socializing with people, but at least I am getting things done. 

I hope you are enjoying your quarantine and getting things done. 

Have a blessed day! 

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