
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Food Bank Kindness and Worry For the Needy and LOTS of Strawberries

On a positive note, I would like to share something that brought light to my world this past weekend. 

The local food bank contacted me on Saturday and asked that I help them distribute a pallet of strawberries they would not be able to give away before they went bad. 

I was able to fill my car and share them with people who could use them. While at the food bank, the workers were there on their day off filling 75 emergency boxes of food for those who are not in a place to purchase more than a few days food financially. Now, they can't even get the food if they have the money. 

They received six calls on Saturday from people saying they couldn't get the food they needed, they said that their answering machine is probably full due to this situation. 

It made me feel good to be on the food bank board for the past 20+ years with some of these people there on their day off filling boxes for those in need. There are good people in the world!

Have a Blessed day! 

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