
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The World Is Ending - Princess Five in NY

This week was another wild one!

We had transfer calls this week and I'm staying in New City, but I'm getting a new companion tomorrow, her name is Hermana Stow!

Some fun things that happened this week:

•as we were contacting a man on the corner of a busy street, a bus driver starting talking to us over his bus speaker while he was turning, he said, "you're doing awesome ladies, sharing the word of God, that's great, keep up the good work, the world's going to end."

•we were video chatting a friend who speaks English and he was talking about how he thinks he cant sing and he would rather hum at church, he said," why cant it just be a "humm" book, because then we wouldn't have to sing, it wouldn't be that hard you'd just have to change the spelling a little bit on the cover of the book."

•we stopped by a house on valentine's to visit a man that had told us before to come by later, he let us into his entry way to share a quick scripture, but before we did we asked if anyone else was home that would like to hear it, so he poked his head in and asked if his wife would like to hear it, and she said sure, we walked in and we visited with them for a while, we were able to talk a little bit about the book of mormon, and they were really excited to hear our message. They said they would love for us to come back and gave us some chocolate covered strawberries before we left, it was super sweet. Hopefully we will see them again soon!

We had a goal as a zone to contact 20 people everyday per companionship. It ended up being really fun! We did a lot of street contacting and we talked to a lot of interesting people who had little interest in our message, but it felt good to be sharing it any way!

I want to share with you my new favorite scripture from the Book of Mormon I found this week, it's from 2 Nephi 10:23 it says:

23 Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life. 

I hope you all choose for yourselves this week to do something to move forward on the way to eternal life! 

Hermana Princess Five

How we feel after 2.5 hours of weekly planning

My beautiful comp and I on our last Sunday together

Our Sunday school class❤

Rockland bakery 

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