
Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Indoor Garage Sale - Selling Online Sometimes Works

I am trying to clean out the house as I will have Princess Four moving her stuff home after she graduates with her Bachelors degree. She has applied and been accepted to be a service missionary in a small island in the south pacific. 

I will share more about that situation in the future but I am in a bit of a panic because her entire apartment needs to come to my house. At about the same time she comes home and then leaves for her mission, Princess Five will be coming home from her mission. This means, I will have both of their items in the garage stored for their college apartments and then need to drag out Princess Fives apartment so she can head back to college before Princess Four gets back from her service mission. 

In trying to clean out the house, I have been collecting boxes of stuff for a yard sale. I realize that with all the girls coming and going, I probably won't have time to have a yard sale and I need the space to store all of the apartment stuff until Princess Four returns from her service mission. 

I decided to put some of the smaller thing stored in the garage online in local yard sale pages today. I was pleasantly surprised that I sold quite a few items and made $70 today. I am hoping to sell more in the next few days so that I can have a place to stack Princess Four stuff in a few weeks.

Have a Blessed day!

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