
Monday, January 6, 2020

Sleeping A Day Away - Getting a Bug

I was so tired the other night that I climbed on top of my bed in my sweats at 6 p.m. super tired. I normally don't like taking naps during the day but I was SO tired. After a few hours, I was so cold that I climbed into bed with my sweats on and slept until 10:30. I got up and showered and did some other things and then went back to bed.

I had two alarm clocks this morning and I slept through one for 20 minutes and hit snooze on the other. I turned them off and couldn't get out of bed. I woke in a panic knowing I had to lead the music for church and made it on time. I got home from church a few hours later and was so tired I climbed into bed and slept until 11:30 at night with a few phone calls and texts in the middle. I tried to get up after the phone calls as I wanted to be able to sleep at night but I COULDN'T get up.

I knew something wasn't right and it wasn't until I got up after all that sleep that the stomach stuff started. I know that several things have been going around and I have been lucky to not get them but today, something caught up with me, so I am going back to bed and hope that my stomach calms and I can enjoy the day.

Have a Healthy Blessed Day!

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