
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

New City - New Year For Princess Five in NJ

Hey Friends,
Happy New Year! This week was awesome! 

New Me:
On Monday we drove down to Perth Amboy (right across the bay from Staten Island) we spent a couple hours with Sister More and Sister Travis! And...... SISTER TRAVIS CUT MY HAIR! And I really like it, it's going to take a minute before I figure out how to do it, but its soooo cute!

New Year:
For new years we went to a friends house and made pupusas, they did not turn out super great but the ones that she made were super yummy! We each ate 3 1/2, and we were so full! That night we went home and finished of the night with some Martinelli's, and were in bed by 10:30.

New City:
We had transfer call this Saturday and I'm headed to NEW CITY, NEW YORK! My new companion is sister Mes, and I'm so excited!

I also wanted to share a really cool experience we had this week. We went to teach our friend Tina, and her husband has decided that he would rather not listen to our messages, but said that she is free to listen. Tina is incredible and is such a light! She has been studying the BoM everyday, and now is praying and reading the bible every day with Carl! She is incredible, and she is well on her way to baptism, I will miss her dearly.

Love you all, I have to pack so I don't have much time, but here are lots of pictures.

Me and Dina
A cute phone booth across the street  from our apartment 
Pupusas with our friend Lora
A selfie we took with a member we found while street contacting.

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