
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Selling Locally Pays Off - Check Out Your Local Yard Sale Pages

 I am trying to clean out the house lately in-between all the crazy things that are my life. 

I wanted to have a yard sale in the fall but with everything going on, I wasn't able to do it. I took most of the clothes to the local food pantry as they give them out free where as if I took them to a thrift store, people would have to pay for them. 

I then started putting some things online and have tried to put just three items on per day. I hadn't do well for a few years as I don't have time to babysit the pages as you have to bump the item by making a comment on it so that it stays near the top of the feed or it gets lost and people don't see it. 

I have found that the serious buyers will "like" something you are selling and then watch it and when you lower the prices, they will then get a notice because they commented or "liked" the item. 

I posted the hand made leather chair many moths back but a guy liked the post. I bumped it once or twice in a few weeks and he commented on the chair. This week, he contacted me asking if the chair was still available. I was able to sell it for $100. 

Most of the item I sell are for a few dollars like something you would sell at a yard sale. The candles stick and some other glass items I sold for $20 last week and today sold a child's toy and a puzzle we had already done for $4. 

Yesterday I made $15 having a couple come and dig through my jewelry bags that I have left over from my jewelry sorting bags. Anything I make off of selling that jewelry is all a bonus because I usually get my value in Silver and Gold from the bags so if I make money selling items from the bag it is just "frosting on the top." 

The pyrex bowls on sold awaiting pick up for $20 and this just dance game I bought for Princess Two but she decided she didn't want it. I paid $2 and it is still new in the package. I listed it for $10 and have someone who wants it. 

I know I could make a little more online but I don't have to deal with shipping, payment methods, or taxes. I purchased most of these items second hand so the taxes have already been paid on them so it is frustrating that eBay and other auction sites are now charging taxes for selling. 

This isn't something I have done much of recently but did a lot more when the girls were in school and needed money for activities, I would have them sell things locally to earn money. 

If you haven't tried it, it is very easy and you can have them come pick the item up or you can meet them in a local store. I have met people all over town in parking lots, and stores. I delivered a "Catan" game last week to a lady working the self check out at Walmart~! 

It may be worth it to you to try it as you clean house. Have a blessed day!

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