
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Facing UP to the Tree - Fun Tree Faces

Many years ago now, I found this fun face to put on a tree. I hung it on one of my front trees.

It has been fun and I have enjoyed hearing kids see it and comment on it as we would pull into the yard. We also have had a few fun photo shoots with the tree "face" over the years. 

Here is a post about the face. Well, I remember now that I spent hours looking for it when I posted the post below five years ago. I just spent another hour looking for the post where we did a photo shoot with Princess Two and her friend. I have me making kissy lips to the tree with a huge ring on my finger and I think the post said something about me being engaged or something. 

I remember coming across the post when looking for something else a few months back and thought I should remember where it was or change the title or something but I didn't so now I can't find the original posts on this. 

As you can see in this post linked below, the face had some wear in 2015 and I had to do some minor surgery to repair one of the eyes as the back hook had rusted off. I figured a way to repair it. 
Here is a post about me doing a "face lift" when one of the hangers on the back of the eye broke and the eye fell to the ground almost five years ago.  

A few weeks ago, another face piece fell off the tree and I decided I needed to find a new face for the tree. If you know anything about me, (and you should if you read this blog) it is that I am REALLY good at manifesting what I want into my life. Not only what I want, but things I need as well. I went to a second hand store and what did I find within a few days of thinking that thought? Of Course, I found a brand new face in the bag with a card saying what company it was from! 

The first face I found was from a second hand store. I found a deer face with antlers which I stuck on the back of the tree and thought I had posted about that as well but guess I didn't. 

I had the face sitting on the kitchen counter in the bag it came in for a few weeks as I have been busy with life, yard, health and family. 

I was happy this week to find time to put up the new face on the tree. You can see the old face has had better days and the hangers fell off and I am excited to have a new face to replace the old. Out with the old and in with the new in this New Year!

Have a Blessed Day! 

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