
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Talking to A Princess In NJ For the Last Time Together - Maybe

We had a wonderful Christmas Day today. We slept later than we ever have on a Christmas Morning. 

We stayed up late working on different projects so none of us were worried so much about getting up early, and I didn't have Princess One and the grandchildren this year, so we were all happy sleeping in until later. 

I woke earlier, but went back to sleep for another hour. After waking, I visited with Princess Three for an hour or more before we went and woke up Princess Four. 

We did our "line up" in the morning,(see posts about that here) and a "Trail of candy" ritual and decided to include Princess Five in our line up by holding up a photos and a sweat shirt for her. It was fun! 

Princess One video chatted us with the grandchildren mid-day and Princess Five had her family call at 3 p.m. our time. It was a very fun call, and we enjoyed visiting.It wasn't until we were off the call, when Princess Four asked me how it felt to have my last "missionary" call? 

I thought about Mothers Day when the missionaries also get to video chat with the entire family, and thought that this may be my last video call, but in looking up the day that Princess Five will be arriving home, we found out this week that she will be arriving home May 12, 2020 and Mothers Day this year is May 10th! 

I may get another video call with the entire family after all! ha ha. Looking at all those cute faces on video is so fun! There is a bit of a delay but it is still good fun. 

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