
Monday, November 11, 2019

Friends For Life - I've Got Many - Feeling Blessed and 111

Friday night I was on an extension ladder cutting down branches on my "Big Tree" in the back yard. 

They tree is leaning towards the house and is rotting in the center and over the years many large branches have fallen, some damaging things, others just into the yard. My worry is with weight of branches and wet snow, that my tree will fall and some of the branches will hit the house. 

I posted about the tree being rotten here. I pruned for months about five years back and then hired someone to come cut the big branches. I can't believe it has grown so big and full again so quickly. Here is the link to the "Pruning Rodeo."

I was pruning and have just done part of one large branch, cutting off the smaller branches that came off the bigger branches that were pruned took me hours. I pruned off lots of the branches and filled two wheelbarrows full of wood to save, and two FULL garbage cans of smaller branches, and didn't even do half of one of the branches of ONE of the bigger branches I want to take off. 

I had someone offer to bring a chainsaw over, but I am afraid if they just cut off the big branches without taking off the smaller end branches, that those will hit my cherry tree, lilacs, house gutters, fences, or windows on the house. My hope was, that I could get the end longer branches off and then have someone come and cut off the bigger branches and chop them up using a chain saw as it took me SO long to use a wedge and cut down the bigger branches with a reciprocating saw.   

I was working until after dark again making sure I got all the branches off the grass in case it snows as those will trip you up under the snow if you don't clean them all before it snows. I had been working hard on cleaning the upper windows on a ladder, squatting and cleaning the window wells and lower windows and then up in the tree holding the heavy saw. I was sore and tired breaking up all those branches for the garbage cans and was so tired that I started to cry. Here it is a weekend night, I don't feel well, having bad news about my methane sewer vent block and feeling very frustrated with all the work I have to do on the house and how I can't seem to get much off the list. 

I KNOW that my Father in Heaven loves me as Saturday morning, he had some wonderful friends call and invite me to brunch. I worked with this woman in the church women's group leadership over 20 years ago in the East when I lived there. I LOVE these people! I met them at a restaurant in town as they were driving through. It was nice to catch up and visit with them for a few hours. 

I went to get groceries as I hadn't been out of the house and yard for a few days, and while out ran into someone who said my friend was in town for a baby shower. I called this friend and she came and spent the evening at my house leaving about midnight. We laughed and visited, and I fed her, and then she went through all my bagged jewelry I am getting rid of, and took some things she thought she would be able to use for the cake toppers she makes for weddings. She made Princess One's wedding cake topper and a doll of my mom as a beauty queen that is just amazing. She is SO talented! Here is a link to the wedding cake topper. 

I was feeling so blessed and was writing about it in my journal. Each night when writing in my journal, I write the number of views on my channel and blog in my journal just to keep track of my numbers over the years. I laughed out loud when I realized the number for my blog that day was 111 views. 

I really felt like God was reminding me that I have WONDERFUL friends, and they are such a joy to me in my life. I would trust any of them with my life! I am TRULY blessed to have a Wonderful Father in Heaven that LOVES me and cares that I feel loved and appreciated. I know I help them in some ways, and they help me in some ways. 

I have so many friends that I havn't seen for years, and then just pick up right where we left off. I don't know that everyone has friends like that, so I count myself very blessed to have so many long term friends. 

One other thing, I was at church today when my back fence neighbor said she has seen me for weeks in my fruit trees and was a bit shocked to see me in the large tree this week. She said it made her realize how hard her mothers life was in raising her as a single mom having to worry about that type of thing by seeing me working so hard in my yard and house. I told her that I was glad to "help" her realize that. She has always had a very helpful husband, so she hasn't had to worry about that type of thing. It is amazing to me how you can inspire or influence others without even saying a word. People do notice your attitude, your work ethic, your influence on others, you standards etc. I hope that I am always on the "good" side of influencing others! 

I hope you are as blessed with such good friends! I just realized this post is on 11/11/19, that is five 1's in a row! Funny how it showed up on a day I am giving gratitude! I really am Blessed!

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