
Friday, November 1, 2019

Alternatives to Candy are Still a BIG Hit for Halloween

I was worried that with the cold temperature we have been having, that people may not come out for Halloween.
I had an appointment this afternoon and was surprised on the way home that there were many families out early this afternoon. Usually there are a handful of neighbors with small children that come early, but the neighborhood was FULL of families, cars, and kids running in costumes.

I got home and couldn't get into the house before kids were at my door. I am sure I missed some families already as it was so busy.

I had many of the same faces I get each year, and it is fun to hear the kids or the parents say that they couldn't go home until they had come to get some jewelry, or other fun thing at my house. I was trying to think back to how many years I have been doing the jewelry give away. 

I had to look at my blog for that answer. I started giving out jewelry and other items other than candy in 2015. In some ways it seems longer, as when I look at that post, the kids are so small and my nieces were so young but now they don't come anymore so it is interesting what 4 years changes.

Each year I find some different things to give out as I get new items, or clean out stashes of party supplies, but I have found that many parents appreciate getting options other than candy.

I am including the video I made last year of giving out options for Halloween to Tick or Treaters as it still gives the main information. It is nice that I can take yearly pictures of some of the friends and family that come and post them or share with them as sometimes in your rush to get out of the door, or you are the only parent, it is hard to get pictures of the entire group.

I thought I wouldn't see my sister this year as she has older teens, but she showed up just now and funny enough, I complimented her earrings matching her shirt, and she laughed reminding me that she got the earrings from me when she came and went through my jewelry stash a few months ago! 

Nearly every time I see her, she will tell me she is wearing something she got from me, or will share that she wears the jwelry all the time. I am glad to see that it is getting used and enjoyed!

My nieces showed up as I was shutting things down to wait for a ride from their mom and I got hugs from them both and that was a highlight of my night! 

I hope you have / had a blessed Halloween as it is based on Hallowed Eve which is the evening before the most holy day of the year. They would put on scary masks and run through the house to scare out any evil or spirits of those who have died but not "passed over" spirits that may be lingering in the house, so that their house would be pure and clean before the hallowed day! So, they say it was "pagan" but in reality, it was the Early Christians holiday before more formal and organized religion was pushed upon them. It was that forced religion that called the holidays pagan. Christmas has a similar story.

With that, I hope you have a very Hallowed Day Today!

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