
Monday, October 14, 2019

Pruning Time - Fighting the Weather

For the past few weeks, I have been working hard to get my yard work done. I spent hours poisoning the grass and flower beds and think I got the mix wrong as the grass killer in the garden beds didn't touch the grass growing in them. 

The broadleaf killer didn't seem to do much in the grass area and the total vegetation killer didn't kill the grass between the sidewalk sections or much of anything else. I think it may just be old as it is all from last year. Taking care of a large yard alone is so much work. 

I have seven trees in the front yard that need pruning and I have gotten five of them done. I still have two that are near the house that get leaves into the gutters if I don't trim them down. I am considering cutting down four of the trees in the front yard that are not fruit trees that need trimming each year. It takes so much time to prune them and two are struggling now for years anyway as they are rotting from the inside out. I am not sure what I would put in those spots if I cut down those front trees, but I know it couldn't take as much upkeep as pruning each year. 

So, I have the two front trees nearest the house to try and finish this week. I was able to get the back shrubs and lilac trees done as well as the cherry tree in the back. I now have five fruit trees still to prune in the back and the big tree. That is 8 trees in all still needing pruning. I have pruned 8 trees around the house so far and still need to clean out the flower beds. 

It seems I am half done with the pruning unless you consider that I have the big tree which will take some time. I will need some help with the larger branches as I don't have a saw that can cut through those, but am hoping I can get some help with the larger cuts and then I can break it down once they are off the tree. 

I am still dealing with a shoulder injury and am grateful that I can still prune, but my arms are still numb much of the time so I really think it is coming from my neck overall. Oh the frustrations of getting old! 

It does feel good when I can stand back and look at the trees pruned for the next year. I hope I can finish up most of it before the next big freeze. 

I have so many projects started in the house that I really want to finish the outside and winterize the yard so I can get working on the inside stuff. I hope it is warm enough to get that all done this week~ 

Have a Blessed day! 

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