
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Panic Button - Princess Five in NJ

Hola mis queridos amigos, cómo están? Todo bien?
This week was wild! So much happened. 

A drunk man started talking to us about how he grew up in Plainfield, and was asking us a bunch of questions about Plainfield. To get away from him I just said, "we are actually not from here, we are from the west." And he said "wow, that's a long time ago." It was super funny!

On Tuesday we had our last district council of this transfer and I made everyone frozen peanut butter no bakes!

We have been trying out our service menu, and this lady accepted our offer to help them study for their citizenship test, it's been interesting learning all the new vocabulary for that in Spanish.
We were able to see our painter friend Fernando again, as we were going he said he's been lacking faith recently and really needed our visit. He pulled out more of his paintings he's been working on to show us, he is SO talented.
On Wednesday we had exchanges. Sister Bse came and joined me in Plainfield! She's an English sister, but is currently serving in a Spanglish trio. We taught the restoration to our friend Nelly, and she was able to say the first vision in Spanish. It was so cool. That night I received a trainers call for this next transfer! Then when we exchanged back, there was a baptism so we ran inside and grabbed some food and I was able to say hi to some of the members there.
Friday we had train the trainers meeting!

On Sunday on the way to church, our driving monitor wasn't accepting my log in card so I received 3 drivers violations, so we pulled over and there's a little button on top of the device, my comp and I thought it was a reset button, so I pressed it. And it said, "panic sent" soooo... it's not a reset button.... but we called the IT people and we got it all figured out so we are all good now. After church we were invited to 2 members houses to pick up food and say goodbye.

I'm super excited to see what this next transfer holds!

Hermana Princess Five

1 comment:

  1. Amazing picture of Jesus. Thanks for sharing. Maria
