
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Give Me Five Minutes and Spooky Spiders for Princess Five Last Week - Mission Moment

Lo siento mucho! My email didn't send last week😅 so here's last weeks. I took a lot of good pictures, so you can just look at those!


We were knocking doors and we saw a man painting Jesus on a giant piece of plywood on his front porch. So we went and talked to him, and went back another day to teach him, but we ended up teaching his wife.

We made a "service menu" to use as a new contacting tool. The church offers so many resources, but it's hard to communicate it all so with this people are able to choose the part of the gospel that calls their attention. in the scriptures many of the successful missionaries first went in with the intention to serve. Think of Ammon watching the kings sheep.We have one return appointment from it, so we will see how it goes.

We had MLC which was filled with the spirit and revelation! Sister Wag
and I were asked last minute the day before, to prepare a music number, so we sang I stand all amazed, it was so much fun! 

We went to our friends house and when we knocked on the door their 9 year old daughter answered and said, "give me five minutes" then closed the door on us and came back about 5 seconds later saying "you can come in, they're in the kitchen". And then she left. It was super funny in the moment.

It was dark outside while we were knocking one night and when we knocked a house my companion told me there was a giant spider web on my side of the porch. I couldn't see it but when the lady turned on the lights to open the door, i saw it, it was HUGE probably 2ft×2ft with a spooky spider about the size of the quarter crawling around rather quickly in the center. When the lady opened the door, I felt the need to let her know about the spider, so she knew, and she seemed rather annoyed, and did not care, so we asked if we could share our message, and she wasn't too interested in that either. so after she closed the door we ran off that porch. And all this just in time for the spooky season, on the bright side, she wont have to decorate for Halloween.
We had Stake Conference and it was so good, Elder Cornish of the seventy was there! It was like a sneak peek of Conference! Speaking of, I hope you all have the chance for 2 days to cherish and feast on the words of the prophets and apostles AKA the words of God!
Pues, este es todo por esta semana!


Hermana Princess Five

Our service menú
Sister Dis and me at MLC
Foggy morning
"Park" contacting
Jesus Painting
All the sisters at MLC 


  1. Is the first picture the picture of Jesus the man was painting on the plywood? If so, he was an amazing painter!

    1. Yes, I was amazed as well but she said it was really sad that he did it on plywood because it splinters and splits easily and they went to the show that he did and there was already a splinter off. Amazing talent. Have a blessed day and thanks for all your wonderful comments, you are such a joy!

  2. You have a blessed day also. Maria

    1. Hey Maria, I noticed you posted asking for an email. You can write me at I don't check it all the time, but try to get to it once a month or so. I will try to get to it soon. Thanks for always being so kind! Have a blessed day!
