
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ellis Island and Packages From Home - Princess Five Hits 11 Months in NJ


This week we had the opportunity to go and serve at Ellis Island, but it was super dead so the supervisor told us we should go on a ranger tour. It was really fun, and we learned a lot!

We had interviews this week, and let me just say I have the best Mission President in the world.

Conference was incredible! It was just what I needed! before the woman's session the English ward had some refreshments, they only have Elders serving un the English ward so when we walked in they were all so excited to see us. AND Esa came and watched the woman's session and she seemed to enjoy it!

We met with a recent convert family this week! La familia Teada, they were so excited, they have two kids, 7 and 9 and they were so full of energy, and things to talk about, but eventually we were able to get through our lesson. we really hope to be able to meet with them again soon.
We went to an 8 year olds birthday party that was supposed to start at 2, we arrived at 3, and when we left at 3:45, there still weren't very many people there.

My mom sent me presents #blessed

When we went to the mission office 2 weeks ago, we talked to one of the sisters about how we love colored pens and sticky notes so she bought us some and sent them to us as a surprise!

And us driving home from Ellis

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