
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

You Know You are a Missionary When -

•you ring the doorbell and you get really excited because you could hear it going off inside and it actually worked, because they never work!

•"Joseph Smith: the Prophet of The Restoration" is your favorite movie to watch, because it's the only movie you can watch.

•it makes you uncomfortable when your friends you are teaching try to call you by your first name, because they saw it on Facebook,  and they feel uncomfortable calling you by your last name.

•you are extremely grateful for the opportunity you have to serve with all your heart, even though you are far from perfect and as well are grateful for all the love and support you get from friends and family at home! (Seriously, thank you!)

This week was packed with adventures!
Tuesday we had district council, and president and sister Tess came, and it was really good.

We went to Ellis Island to volunteer, but neither of our two GPSs were really helpful, so our 45 minute trip ended up taking an hour and a half both ways. But we were able to help some people find their ancestors, as well as see some members which is always super fun.

We had interviews with President Tess. He is such an inspired man, I'm very grateful to have him as my mission president. He is incredibly kind, and is very dedicated to the mission and serving God.

We had Mission Leadership Council in the morning, and exchanges right after. I was able to go to Perth Amboy, with sister Whit! It's right down by Staton Island, like maybe a quarter mile across the bay. It was so much fun because, when I was in training she had been out for 9 months and was my STL. And now she is training, and I've been out for 9 months and I'm her STL. So that's fun, but we taught an English class, we did some door knocking, we heard a man singing very loudly in Spanish and so we knocked on his door, when he answered, I told him that his voice was really good, and it sounded as if he were singing with a microphone, and then he whipped a microphone out from behind his back. He told us very honestly that he was having some "me time" but that we could come back on Sunday, it was really funny in the moment, hopefully they can meet with him again. We were also walking home when this drunk man stopped to talk to us, we gave him a card, and then he tried to give us a hug, but was really sad when we would only give him a handshake. We made some street corn, and ate the best papusas I've ever had, and also went to a cute little icecream shop down by the bay while we were street contacting.

Right after exchanges we drove quickly home because we've been planning a karaoke night for the last 2 weeks, and there was still a lot to be done. It was a potluck, so we tried to make some funeral potatoes, but it did not turn out at all and we ended up throwing the entire thing away. We told everyone it started at 5, we got there at 5 to set up, no one showed up until about 6:30, not a lot of people came, and the whole thing was a little rough, so luckily, none of our friends ended up coming which was a little sad, but a blessing in disguise. On the bright side, our branch president sang "a whole new world" with his little girl, it was so precious, and if that wasn't dad goals, I don't know what is.

We went to young women's, and were able to participate, and it was a lot of fun, the youth here are incredible! Strong and brave.
We knocked doors for a couple hours and finally at the end of the night we found a cute little family. They said they were from a different religion but were willing to listen as to why our religions were so different, so we explained the Book of Mormon a little bit, and hopefully we can see them next week! It seems like something so simple but to 2 tired missioneras it was music to our ears.

Princess Five 💜

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