
Monday, August 26, 2019

Car Breakdown Blessings on a FREAKY FRIDAY

I was headed out of town to help my dad on a project for the weekend. I had a long drive planned and was scheduled to leave early on Saturday. 

Friday morning, I got a call from Princess Two saying that my aunt contacted her asking if she wanted two tickets to "Freaky Friday" a new musical. She asked me if I thought I could head on my trip sooner than later and enjoy going to the play with her, along with my aunt and uncle.

I told her I would hop on it so I could get everything packed and make the long drive to try and make it for the play. I packed everything, picked a load of plums off my tree to share, and headed off in the car with no time to spare to make it to the play on time that evening. 

On the way up, my car started to overheat. It has done this several times on long trips in the summer. For some reason, the wiring in the car overheats when I have the air-conditioned on and drive up hill. The car itself doesn't overheat as the gauge is fine, but the temperature light comes on and the car loses power and I can floor it and nothing happens. I have to turn off the air-conditioner and the radio, and cruise control if I was using it. 

This had happened to the point of the car turning off twice where I had to sit on the side of the highway for an hour for it to cool where I can drive it again. I can't use the air, radio or anything on road trips on hot days for this reason. 

It started to over heat halfway through my drive and I limped at low speeds with no radio or air for the rest of the trip only being able to go about 50 mph which made me run late to make the play. I found out that my aunt had her grand-daughter and her father hadn't picked her up so we agreed to meet at a "park and ride" exit and her dad would pick her up there as well since they were running late. I made it to the bottom of the exit ramp and my car died! I floored it and couldn't get it to move an inch. 

There was a guy behind me now sandwiched between me and the car behind him and he got out and asked what he could do to help. I told him the issue and he said he would push me to the park and ride area. I asked if his bumper matched mine and he said he would push me with his body as I floored it hoping I could get a few mph out of the car. Next light change, he started pushing and I had about 2 mph so we got into the left lane with people waiting patiently as we crossed three lanes of traffic. It was then an uphill battle and I got nothing out of the car so I got out and we pushed it to the top of the hill where there was a red light that had a left turn lane on it. On the next left turn light, we both started pushing and it wasn't enough so the guy behind his car which was now right behind me with his wife driving and hazards on, got out and the three of us pushed the car through the left turn with everyone in the intersection waiting and I got through the turn and then it was downhill to the park and ride area and I yelled a "Thank You!" out the window as I coasted off down the street. 

I couldn't believe that this man would be willing to push a strangers car uphill by himself on a HOT day! He had given me his card before we decided to push it up the hill so I can send a big "Thank you" to him but it just doesn't feel like enough. 

I got out of the car with my purse in hand and my aunt and uncle pulled up with my daughter exactly as I got to the corner of the street so I could just jump in and go! We missed the first few songs of the play but they had sold our seats to someone else, so we were bumped up to third row side and my aunt and uncle ended up third row center! So, even though we were late, we got to see a great show, the cast was amazing, and we got wonderful seats! My uncle bought us drinks and cookies at intermission and delivered them to us. I thanked him as he left to go back to his seat and the woman next to me asked if it my uncle was "Christie's Dad?" 

I told her it was, and she said she had worked with their daughter in a pageant and I told her my mother had been involved in that pageant many years ago as well and she had remembered meeting my mother! We ended up talking and sharing some information with one another and it was a fun event. We even took a photo together after the play for her to send to my cousin! 

If we hadn't been late, we wouldn't have been able to share that information with each other! It amazes me how things work out as they need to for the benefit of all.  

After the play, my aunt and uncle wanted to share dinner with us and suggested a steak house. I suggested Thai food and they laughed as their son-in-law owns a Thai restaurant and we eat there every chance we can so we drove the longer distance to eat at their restaurant and as usual, it was wonderful! 

I had such a stressful drive up, but the company was wonderful, the play was fabulous (more the talent than the music as the leads were amazing - the songs were good and I enjoy them, but the actors made the play for me.)  The meal was yummy, and to top it off, as we were pulling out from dinner, my cousin, their oldest son ran up to the car with his daughter saying they had stopped at a convenience store to pick up treats for a movie and saw the car and wondered why his parents were that far from home, but it was fun to get to see him and his daughter for a few minutes! 

I had a wonderful day even with the weird car issues as I was able to visit with that woman at the play and I enjoyed spending time with my mom's sister and family and I always enjoy getting to spend any time I can with any of my girls, so for me, it was heaven! 

My car started right up and has been working fine since, so I am feeling very grateful for a working car, good family, kind strangers, friendly patrons at the play, better seats for the musical, some of my favorite food, seeing family, getting someone to drive me places as I always have to drive myself, and a bunch of other things I am blessed with!!!!!! 

Have a musically, family filled, Blessed Day! 

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