
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Reconnecting With Old Friends

 In the past week, I have had such blessings of reuniting with some dear friends. A couple that we were friends with over 30 years ago texted me this week saying they were in town to help a family member and wanted to get together for lunch .

I contacted another friend and even thought she couldn't come, I got to catch up for an enjoyable call finding out all about her grandchildren, children, friends, and her brother and mother. She couldn't meet us for lunch as her daughter was arriving soon with her two kids from out of state so I wished her well and we are going to try and visit this next month some time. Here is a post about these two friends a few years back.

I tried to get ahold of another mutual friend and left several messages trying to connect but wasn't able to do that until the next day. So, I went to lunch with one couple and we really enjoyed our time together. My friends said, "It is like we just picked up where we left off." But that is how I am with everyone and when I had my guests visit from New Zealand last summer, they told me the same thing. I really just love my friends! 

The following day, I got a notification it was my friends Birthday and so I told her I would take her to dinner since she wasn't able to do lunch with our mutual friends. 

She picks me up and we go to an Indian food buffet. We get 1/3 through our meal when she gets a call from her husband who was using a grinder and it cut through his finger causing a need for stitches. In a way it was a good thing as I was able to connect with her husband as well that way as I watched the kids while they got him some stitches. He got 4 stitches which the kids were concerned about but I assured them they weren't going to amputate his finger.

Once again, I am falling asleep at the computer so just know I have amazing friends. Have a Blessed Day 

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