
Friday, August 2, 2019

Reconnecting With Family

I wrote yesterday about connecting with friends that I haven't seen in years. This past week, I was able to reconnect with family that I haven't seen in years. 

I have a sibling that lives in a different state and went through a rough divorce many years back. Since that time, I haven't seen her former spouse. I also hadn't seen many of her children since they lived with their father and his new spouse. 

I have only seen this nephew once in the past five years or so and have seen his sisters a bit more often but even then, it is once in every few years.

This week, my nephew got married and I was able to see most of his family and get to meet my nieces new daughter! 

It was raining when we got up and I prayed they would have good weather for pictures and it wouldn't be raining or really hot. They were blessed that the sky cleared up and they had great pictures and many of the family were able to come and enjoy the wedding. 

I was able to take lots of pictures for them  that day and the evening at the wedding dinner they had. It was a lovely wedding and I was VERY grateful that we were invited as sometimes divorces can keep families apart. 

I was happy to be able to visit with my nieces and the new baby as none in our family had met her yet. All in all, it was a WONDERFUL day and I was super grateful everything went well. I gave a gratitude prayer for the weather holding as the dinner was outside and it would have been difficult to deal with rain. God is good and we were blessed!

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