
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Princess Five Gets A New Companion And A Snapple

Hola hola!
We had transfer call this week, and I will be staying in Kearny with my new companion Hermana "Companion"! I'm so excited! 

We taught Dino again this week and after our lesson we gave him some brownies, he took the bag and squished it then said, "a brunie? What kind of fruit is this?" Then he took the next 5 minutes to give me some marriage advice. He is a funny man. We love our friends!

We had a wonderful restoration lesson with our friend Erica, and her daughter Camila! She is like a sponge, she just soaks up all the information, and it just makes sense to her. We are hoping to meet with he whole family soon!

We traveled to the very tippy top of our area and had a wonderful first lesson with a man named Francisco. It always amazes me how some first lessons go. You can never tell from just meeting someone in just a 2 minute or less contact. 

We contacted some teens in the park, when we called the number they gave us to confirm our appointment it was a number of one of their friends, we explained to her a little about what we do as missionaries, and asked if she'd be interested in hearing our message, and she said, "yeah, that sounds really cute." This is the situation I like to call, getting thrown ONTO the bus. Unfortunately, when we asked her if her parents would be "ok" with her learning more, she said they wouldn't, so we can't teach her, but we sent her a link to
and hopefully in the future she can learn for herself!

We missed our bus this week because we saw a squirrel eating a toasted sandwich, so obviously we had to take a picture, but it all turned out ok, it was worth it.😊
We had apartment cleaning checks this week so we did a lot of cleaning and decluttering of all the things from previous missionaries. There was an old broken guitar we were planning on throwing away, so I decided I would take this opportunity to try and smash a guitar, let's just say it didn't smash very well but it was really fun. Haha. 

We served at Ellis Island and we were able to talk about missionary work with a new employee, that has a lot of questions about the church, which was awesome!
We were park contacting and we asked a family if we could share a message with them. And they said "yes," but only if we played volleyball with them. So we played with them for a little while which was way fun! Then when we finished, the dad asked us what we thought of other religions. We explained that anything that brought people closer to God was good, and then we ended up sharing a short version of the restoration! And we have a return appointment with them next Saturday!

Another one of our contacts bought us Snapple's. This is becoming a frequent occurrence here in Kearny. And, we are very grateful because it has been very hot here!
Les quiero mucho! Thank you for all your prayers! Dio les bendiga! Cuídense!

Hermana Princess Five

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