
Monday, June 10, 2019

Parasite Short Update Video and New Tried Products

I had several people share suggestions this past week on my blog and my YouTube channel. 

I like suggestions that I can just try and not have to research. Sometimes suggestions for certain things take me hours to research the product, or the way certain things work, as I don't want to take something that could harm me or that others couldn't take.

I had someone suggest "Blue Star" ointment on last weeks live video on my YouTube Channel and I was able to find it at Walmart this past week. 

I tried it and felt it was good as it has Camphor in it, but it is in a mixture of different minerals and petroleum base. The only problem I found with it, is I felt like I have wet / slick petroleum ointment on me as it didn't absorb into the skin. 

If you touch something, it gets on the item. Some other oils I use absorb into the skin and don't leave a film. I usually put oils on at night before bed, but I don't use petroleum as it wipes off making a mess on the sheets. 

If you want to use this product, I think if you put it on your hands or feet, I would suggest putting a glove or sock over the ointment so that it doesn't stain things you touch after putting it on. 

I bought some Rosemary Conditioner for hair but forgot to try it this week so I will have to let you know how it works. It was on clearance with the "lice" treatments.

Someone suggested using the lice cream with lotion on the skin to keep the parasites down. I got a headache when putting it on my skin and think it was a bit chemical with my sensitivities and decided I would avoid that.

I had someone suggest that cucumber baby wipes caused the parasites to come to the surface. I bought two brands and tried them out at home. The Huggies brand didn't seem to do anything, so I bought the "Parents Choice" brand and I saw some white fibers on my skin and freaked out. 

I couldn't see anything coming out, but when I would wipe my hand over my arm, all these little fibers would fly in the air. It really freaked me out, but I didn't see any of them moving so it took me a few minutes to think of a way to make sure it was actually bringing out parasites. I then just squeezed out the fluid and put it on my skin for a few minutes and nothing showed up so I realized that the little fibers were just coming off the wipes. 

I understand why the commenter thought they were the parasite as there was stuff flying all over my computer and table from these wipes. I actually think they are a bit of a hazard sending that much fiber into the air if your child breathes that in over a two year period, I can't imagine it can be good for the lungs. They did smell good, but brought up lots of dust. 

I appreciate people taking the time to share with me and like trying their suggestions. I have ordered a few more things to try and am still doing research on some others. I hope to have something to report as I would LOVE to start feeling better. 

Have a Blessed day!

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