
Monday, June 3, 2019

Longest Video Of My Life - 2:40 Minutes Parasite Update Video

Tonight I made an update video live on my YouTube channel and I had several people get on live and then I started answering their questions and it just kept going on for hours with me answering questions. 

I thought at some point that this would happen if I could get people to open up. Because the parasite is so unknown and there is a stigma with parasites, I believed that no one would comment on my parasite videos because they didn't want people to know they had it. 

Tonight, I found out that it is true. This morning I had a woman write me which made my day and she wrote that she never comments on videos, but due to my "hater" comments last week, she decided to write a comment and it was so sweet. 

The people that were writing tonight said that they were uncomfortable writing comments due to the same things. I suggested that they make up a fake user account and use that to comment. It was interesting as I think some people just watched for awhile and then decided to write or ask questions so hopefully in the near future, those people who subscribe to my channel and have the symptoms of this parasite can feel safe commenting and sharing things they have tried etc. 

I know it is long, but if you are having symptoms, they share lots of suggestions, and some things I have not heard about before, so I am glad they chose to get online. 

Have a Blessed and parasite free day! 


  1. I've watched 10 minutes so far. I am so sorry you are dealing with said parasite! Seems like within the 10 minutes you mostly discuss topical treatments....but my thoughts are you have them all in and through you and the topicals only chase them around. You need something to flood all of you all at once so they have no where to go and die. I don't know if such a thing exists. I know you've tried albendazole unsuccessfully and we've gone back and forth commenting on that video. I too have a parasite but mine is intestinal and unknown. Stool and blood tests did not detect them but I have pics of some I passed....they are unmistakable....internet calls them rope worm. I have home remedied myself about 6 years and I'm about to try Albendazole....finally found a doctor willing to give me medicine without knowing what my parasite is. They cost $900....that is insane!!!!! And I have thinning hair just from age....let's see how I look after Albendazole? But in your video you said nothing about how many pills you took for how long? You only showed your hair falling out and that it didn't affect the parasites you have. Again, I am so sorry for what you are dealing with. I hope we both get our issues resolved.

    1. Hello, I appreciate your input. I didn't mention how much because I have tried it several times in different amounts and intervals. It is so silly they can just make the pill any amount they want and basically violate all human kindness for monetary gain. Anyway, I am trying topical to try and find something that chases them out of the skin as nothing I have tried keeps them gone. They die and then I have millions more hatch so I have given up trying to get them dead until I can find something that I can take regularly to kill off the babies. I haven't taken or tried anything in a few months now due to my fathers health issues and helping him but I need to do something as they are infesting me at an alarming rate. I am sorry you are dealing with this for so long. I pray for both our sakes that we can find something that works soon! thanks again, Have a blessed day!
