
Friday, May 31, 2019

Marie Kondo Konmari-ing My Closet - Thanks To Princess Two

Princess Two came down for a visit for a few days to help me get motivated to go through my closet. I appreciate that she was willing to do that for me. I realized that I have a lot of court documents in my closet and because they were in there, I didn't want to see them and threw stuff on top of the totes as to not have to look at them. 

I decided to get them out of my closet and go through my clothes as I wasn't wearing many of the clothes and was hoping to have lost some weight by now to get back into some of my favorites. 

I have to realized that even if I did lose weight, I would want to get new clothes so making that realization was good and I was able to get rid of much of the clothes in my closet. It feels good to have my closet be functional again for clothes rather than documents. I still have some files to clean out but it is getting there! I love organized things! 

Have a Blessed and Organized Day!  

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