
Monday, April 1, 2019

Some Good, Some Bad, Some Sad - Mixed Emotions Day

You never know how a day will turn out. One moment you hear wonderful news and are joyful. The next moment you hear tragic news and are sad for loss of life and then in another instant in the same day, you hear some news that makes you profoundly sad. 

It amazes me how one call, one sentence, one picture, one second, can change your outlook on the world. Today I got up and attended church and it was looking to be a wonderful day. I got a picture from a nephew with the news that he and his adorable wife had their first baby a few weeks early. Everything went well and everyone is healthy! Joyous news! 

While visiting with a friend today, she said, "I guess I should tell you that a few months ago, I found a lump and it has spread. It doesn't look good" Within a second, I went from joking with her to profoundly sad. I can't express the sadness her words have brought to my heart. I think losing my mother was hard, but she was old and sick and it was her time to go. This friend looks healthy and better than she has in years. She is close to my age and the thought of her passing is such a blow to me. I have been very close to her for many years, and I pray she can overcome this, but the thought of her having to deal with this all again in a more serious way is just devastating. 

I visited with her for a bit of time today, and it made me look at my own mortality. She is, and looks, so healthy in how she eats, exercise and outlook on life. I have yellow eyes, health problems, damaged lungs, and I think people would think I would pass away before she would. It is all so unreal. 

Another very close friend, in fact, on of my longest friends since I moved west, had her mother pass away this week. I went to the viewing today and was able to visit with her sisters and children as well as nephews and nieces. It was a sad way to get to visit with them al,l but I did enjoy catching up with everyone. I have helped them move several times, paint homes, and I used to run a boutique for many years with her. so I know her family well. 

I am amazed by the emotions of a day! I can't really post any pictures of any of these events, so I will just post a jewelry sorting video. I am so grateful for my friends and family. Days like today, with a birth, and a death, and a bit of sadness in between, make you realize that each day is a gift. 

Have a Blessed day! 

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