
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Princess Five is Enjoying Her New Area

Hello All! 
I do not have much time this week, so I would just like to share some quick miracles and fun things that have happens this week!
Our friend María accepted a baptismal date of May 5 and we are so excited for her!
We had exchanges this week and sister "not my companion" came to Kearny for the day! She does not speak Spanish so I was running solo for the day. A crazy lady holding a real estate sign across the street asked us if we wanted to buy a house. We saw a lawn for the first time in a long time, (picture above). A man answered his door with three birds on his shoulders like it was normal, at another house a lady had hair almost down to her ankles. But the highlight of the day was when we had an appointment fall through so we ended up talking to a man on the street, and his cute one year old daughter, she wanted to play with my book of Mormon, but we gave her a picture of Jesus instead, and immediately she STARTED KISSING THE PICTURE! It was SO PRECIOUS! we hope to be able to teach them soon.

We got roped into helping translate for a member for a doctor appointment, we were happy to help, but let's just say our Spanish is not sufficient for translating yet, but it all worked out ok, and I now know a lot more medical terms in Spanish.
I love Kearny! It's starting to warm up here, and we are working hard! Thank you for all your love and support!
Hermana Princess Five

Sister "not my companion" and I on Exchanges!

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