
Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Princess Five Serving an International Mission in New Jersey

Last Prep-day we had a visitor! So some background: our apartment is huge and we live really close to the Macedonian embassy, and so the missionaries called to that mission, stay the night with us on their way to the field so we were a trio for that night with Sister Cutie! She left early the next morning for the embassy and we said goodbye later that day at district council! 

We were knocking doors on Tuesday and this lady came running up behind us and said," sorry I have to go to the bathroom really bad." So she ran in the house, and we kind of figured she wasn't interested, but she had left the door open so we just kind of waited and then she yelled down to us to come in. So we went up to her apartment, and no one was there for a couple minutes which was awkward, but when she came out of the bathroom, we were about to start teaching her, and she said," I was baptized in a river at 10:00 at night in Guatemala 17 years ago, I'm a member." So... that was crazy. She wants to find the Elder that baptized her but she cant find him, so if any of you know an Elder Olsen who served in Guatemala 17 years ago, let me know😅 We are so excited to help her get back to church!

We were walking down the street and a lady greeted us with a big smile and a hug, she asked to set up an appointment with us and I didn't recognize her at all, I kind of thought she was a member. But it turns out she was a lady who we had bus contacted 2 weeks ago, the only bus contact we have ever done, but she ran off the bus before we could get her information. But her name is Lily, and we have had 2 appointments with her this week and she is really just amazing.

We had a training at Ellis Island for all the sister missionaries in my mission, so that we can better help people find their ancestors records. It was really fun to see all the sisters!

We went to this park just out of our area and they are having a cherry blossom festival, and it was beautiful! There were people from all over the world there, so that was kind of fun.
Speaking of people from all around the world, just a sneak peak into my life, this week alone I met people from: Guyana, Nicaragua, Nigeria, El Salvador, Japan, Peru, Brazil, Portugal, China, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, India, Mexico, Uruguay, Ecuador, and probably more that I don't remember. But when you get called to serve in New Jersey, you really get called to serve the whole world! It's so cool! #blessed 

Love you all!
Hermana Princess Five

Sister Cutie
Our cute zone/district 
Our neighbor who has taken selfies with his other sister missionary neighbors so we thought we would hop on the band wagon.

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