
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

A Must For Emergency Situations - Motion Sensor Light Door Knob Lights

The other night, I was working on cleaning the house after the family left, when the power went out. I don't always have my phone on me at home, so when the power went out, I had a second of  "Where is the nearest flashlight?"  panic. 

Usually, there is some type of ambient light in the house at night. The house isn't black as you can still see light through windows as I have neighbors outside lights, and street lights around my home. I could tell something was really off, as there was NO light coming from any windows at all. 

As I walked out of my room, the door handle LED light circle / ring I have at the end of the hall on the doorknob went on. When Princess One got married, I purchased these light rings on clearance for under a dollar as the blue color was her wedding color so I thought it would be pretty under some chiffon on the serving tables. It worked when the lights in the reception center were down some but when the full lights were on, it didn't work well. 

After the wedding, I figured they were wonderful night lights as I had one in each hall plug, so when the kids would come out at night, they would have a way to find their way to the bathroom or my room. I would also check all the door locks each night after the kids were home. 

I found that putting one on the door at the end of each hall allowed me to keep plugged night lights out of baby and toddlers reach and save some electricity by having these motion activated LED's the lights would only go on when someone was in the area. The plug in type were on 24 hours a day if I didn't shut them on and off at night and in the morning. 

I also put one on each outside door so that when I would walk the house checking all the locks at night, I wouldn't have to turn on all the lights or go all the way to the door. When I would walk past the door even at some distance away, the light would go off and I could then see from where I was that the lock was secured. 

So, when the lights were out and it was so dark, the first thing I did was head for the nearest flashlight and in doing that, the hall light when on, then the front door light went on and then the back door light when on, then the one in the kitchen went on. I realized that I could walk in the main rooms of my home with the power out and see just fine. 

I never got a flashlight out. I went out to see what it was like outside as all the street lights and neighbors lights were not on. I took the top picture outside and the only lights I could see were some solar garden lights in the neighbors yard. All other lights in town were out as far as I could tell. 

It was BLACK outside and inside the house. If I hadn't had those lights, I would have had to feel to the kitchen for a flashlight or my phone, which I think was in the kitchen at that point. You can see by the house photos how dark it was. I had replaced the battery in two of the lights just a day or two before as one was out completely and the other was fading. The one that goes off the most does go out every few months but it allows me to not need to turn the lights on when moving around in the dark. 

The LED has many color options and I found that the green and blue allow me to see the locks and they work so well that many visitors have asked where to get them. Some have asked me to keep my eyes open to purchase some for them if I ever see them on clearance again, and I have seen them on clearance again, so I purchased some for them and a few more for the house and my trailer. I have had and used these for over six years now. 

I never thought about their use in an emergency, I just liked the usefulness of them for the kids night lights as I didn't want them to get used to having a light on when they would go to sleep, but wanted one available if they got up, so it worked well for that. 

After this DARK BLACKOUT experience, I will always have these powered up and ready for use. If there were an earthquake and the power was out, I would have a clear way out of the house even in the dark. I was very grateful that I had them and it kept me from stumbling in the dark. 

I used one as a flashlight for the few hours the power was out. I had one in the downstairs hall as well,  so when I went to clean up in the basement, I could find my way easily. I used it on my arm as a sort of bracelet and cleaned up the house and packed to head out of town. 

It is funny what you don't think about until you have to think about it. I was glad I have a home phone as I could still get and make calls even if the battery on my cell died. It was low when the power went out as it was late evening. I thought I could charge my phone on my computer battery but then my computer would be dead but I'd be able to play on my phone but my internet was out, so even that was limited to calls. I do have some rechargeable batteries but, I don't know how good they still are as it has been years since I purchased them. It may be time to think about purchasing some new ones. 

I highly recommend these if you have kids or just for emergency use.They still work great after six years so they are a good product. The brand on these is Sylvania and a quick search says Amazon and Walmart are out of these. I wonder if they are still available. They are up on both sites but say they are unavailable so perhaps they are back ordered. 

Hopefully they still have them as they are a great product I have used and loved for years. Lets hope we never need them for an emergency and that just being prepared is all we need them for ever! 

Have a Blessed and Light filled Day! 


  1. I found out what they are!!! Liver flukes. Flat worms!!! Did you know that

    1. Hi, I have sent in worms and mine are not flukes, they are long and thin and I believe that my diagnosis is correct. Not to say that you and your family don't have flukes. I hope you can figure out what you have and get treated. Have a Blessed Day!
