
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Missionary Monday - Video Chat With a Beautiful Family - Princess Five LIVE

Princess Five is now able to call on her preparation day if she chooses. She doesn't always call, and we don't often video chat, as she doesn't have access to internet all the time. She knew her sister and family would be visiting us today, so she decided to call using video chat. I am glad she was able to make that happen so she could see the cute kiddos!  Here is her email for today. 

"We were street contacting yesterday, and this man, leisurely riding his bike and blasting some smooth Latin music passes us and says, "están estrellas" or "you are STARS" it was really funny😊
We went to a birthday party for a 5 year old, we were invited to meet a member referral, but she ended up not showing up so that was a little disappointing, but there were lots of members their who we were able to get to know a little better, so it turned out ok.
And then we had CONFERENCE! It was so good, and went by too quickly, everyone told me that conference on the mission was the best and they were right. I loved the over all theme of having faith, and strengthening your faith, and how to strengthen faith... and of course all the wonderful talks and suggestions of missionary work!
One of my favorite moments of the conference was in M. Russell Ballard's talk, he said something along the lines of, "There have been many exciting changes in the church recently, but the most exciting part of the church, yesterday, today, and forever is the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ."
I'm so grateful for this gospel and the opportunity I have to share it with others. I love you all, you are all STARS!🤩
Hermana Princess Five
(I didn't take any pictures this week... sorry mom😁)"

I laughed when I read that last thing about pictures because I had just taken the ones of her chatting on video with her sisters family so in her words, "I am not even mad" however, her first sentence and last sentence brought me to a memory about my mother who passed away three years ago this month. Here is a link to that post! "Reminder that I am a lovely star" is the name of the post. 

Have a blessed and star filled day! 

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