
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Grand Prince Two Turned One - Said His First Word - Wonderful Visit

I have had Princess One's family visiting me for the past five days. I have LOVED having her family but especially the grandchildren here visiting. I get to read, sing, play, dance, tickle, snuggle, serve, and be loved when they come.

I have been collecting some T-shirts for my son-in-law as I owe their family a few quilts. In the past few years, I have made the other girls each another quilt and one for my dad last year and am halfway done working on the Broadway quilt for Princess Five. I have it half sewn but keep finding new Broadway show shirts that she wants to add to the quilt so I haven't finished it. I need to get it done for when she gets home in about a year. 

I had to pull out all the shirts I have purchased in the past few years for different quilts, so that I could have him go through all of them and pick out the shirts he wants. He wanted a fun mix of "funny shirts, Retro, gaming, Star Trek, and Movie Shirts" I have been collecting shirts for years now as I want to make each of my grandchildren a quilt and finished up a few I have going for my mom and my cousin. It doesn't take more than a week if I am working on it but I always have so many things going on that I don't get to sit down and work on it much lately. 

As he went through the shirts, he got a few good laughs and I think he is excited to know that he is getting one of his own. Princess One has two "Life Quilts" and he has seen many the other girls have that I made, so I think when he saw all the fun shirts I found for his, he was more excited about it. 

Today while we were sorting through them, my oldest daughter came up and said her baby just said his first word! She said he said "tickle" and I thought maybe she was wishful thinking, but he did say it several times today as he likes interacting and playing games as you can see in this fun video! 

I was sorting and organizing all the shirts I have purchased over the years into totes so I can just pull one out and work on the quilt shirts having them all in one tote. I really would love to just work on those for a year and avoid all the other stuff I have going on but in reality, I may not even finish one this year! My goal is to work on them while I convert over some cassette tapes of my mom's to digital format and while I listen and work the controls, I can work on the quilts in between tapes.  

I was putting them all into totes this evening and organizing them and my sweet grandson crawled over to me and wanted my attention so I gave it to him and you can see he was really engaged in the video. He is growing and learning so much. He is almost walking as he creeps around furniture but if you try to get him to walk on his own, he will sit down. However, if he has both your fingers, he will walk all over! 

I love having them here and I so enjoy interacting with them and am going to be sad to see them leave. I am so blessed to have three such beautiful and amazing grandchildren who are healthy as well as the rest of my beautiful family. I am Blessed. 

Hope you have a Blessed and Family filled Day~!

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