
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Missionary Monday - Princess Five In Newark - Namaste

So it turns out that "Namaste" actually means "Hello" in Hindi, so who knew? we met a very nice young couple from India while knocking doors, we asked them about their religion and what they believe, and let's just say it was a unique experience testifying of Jesus Christ to someone who had never thought of him as their savior. They were incredibly kind, and we set a return appointment with them for the English sisters next week to receive a Book of Mormon!

The other day we were on the bus with the English sisters and we had all decided to sit in a different seat to increase our bus contacting opportunities, I was the only one who had somebody sit by them, his name was Moses, he was 10. In the 15 minute bus ride, Moses and I became good friends, he apparently is going to college next year to program computers, sadly though, he was a little more interested in Roblox than learning about the Gospel😅

Our friend Noemi is on date for June 1st!! She is the mom of our congregation secretary, and she is amazing, we are beyond excited. This was actually my first time extending a baptismal invitation, and I might of mumbled through it a little because I was so nervous, and she did not understand right away, but she is now on date and that's all that matters.😁

We went to a train station and set up a table stand with the English sisters, and a lot of people had places to go and not a lot of time to talk but I did get a kiss on the cheek from an old man so that was fun. 

We had a Book of Mormon request from a man named Luis and he basically told us he wants to be baptized, and how in the last four years he has turned his life around. We hope to have a lesson with him this week with a member, so we can understand better what he wants, because Spanish👍🏻

Fir milinge ("see you later" in Hindi)
Cuídense ("take care" in Spanish)
Love you all!
Hermana Princess Five

East Newark is part of our area as well.
And I liked this sign so I took a picture with it.

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