
Monday, April 22, 2019

Glass Blowing - Stained Glass - Pulling Glass Classes - Part 2 My Candy Dish

I shared last blog post about my sweet Princess One giving me a wonderful gift of Glass Blowing. 

I wasn't really thinking when I went in or when I called that the first two options weren't actually "glass blowing" but it was wonderful just the same. 

I would at some point like to try the glass blowing session but it does take longer and cost more money. 

There is an age limit for glass blowing classes at this studio, gladly, I am over the limit! ;-) I think it takes a bit more skill and time to create something using the glass blowing techniques.

Even thought my experience was short and doesn't take much "skill" I LOVED it and think my weird shaped candy dish is adorable and unique so I LOVE IT! It also represents that someone took the time to think about something I enjoy and wanted to give me an experience to do something I enjoy or make something I enjoy. I think it was a SUPER thoughtful gift on her part. 

Any project you make takes 24 hours to "cure" and bring the temperature of the glass down slowly so the item doesn't crack in cooling quickly. I had decided to spend a few days in the area since the drive is long and I can see family while there so it wasn't a problem for me to drive to pick it up the next day. 

I made a video about the place and the experience and shared some of the other items you can make and the other classes they offer as I really think it would be a fun family activity for each person to get to make their own glass item. It helps allow the creative juices to flow as they get to pick out the colors and the item they want to make and then see the final product and use it. 

I think for the value, it is well worth it. Dinner and a movie is about the same price as this opportunity and this will give them something to keep and cherish as well as a fun memory. Maybe it would be a good incentive "prize" for the child to earn and get "one on one" time with a parent as well. I can't imagine any child wouldn't enjoy this experience. 

I highly recommend this experience and think that you would be able to find places in any state that offer this even if you do have to drive over a state line or a few hours, make a day or weekend out of the experience as I did. It was well worth it! 

I thought this platter they had at the studio was cool as it looks like a jellyfish. Enjoy! Have a Blessed Day! 

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