
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Wonderful Suprise Talking to Princess Five

Princess Five wrote today with a lovely email. I had written asking if she was going to call. She wrote saying she would call me between 12 and 2. I couldn't wait to talk with her and when she called, I asked if she wanted to video chat. She did want to try, so she and I were able to video chat for 20 minutes or so. There were a few glitchy moments, but for the most part, I got to see her beautiful face!  

I know it is kind of boring for her just having me at home to talk with, but she said she likes writing as it is sort of a journal. I agree with her that it is smart for her to keep writing emails as I like getting them and also like seeing pictures, so she is going to keep it up. 

Here is her latest email: 

"What even was this week?  

On Tuesday, we went to district council but received a phone call in the middle saying we should all drive home immediately because the snow was so bad, and president was worried about us driving on the roads. So we were on foot for the rest of the day, and we had to cancel our appointments we had planned.🙁

On Wednesday the roads were clear, and we went to Ellis island, which was empty, so we basically got an extra three hours to study. Then we taught a man named Albert. He's awesome, everyone in New Jersey is always busy, the same is true for Albert, but he always makes time for us to stop by. He lives with his whole family and people are always walking in and out, so it's a little hectic, but we are always able to teach. 

Thursday, we decided to heart attack some of the less active we are teaching, as well as our friends we are teaching. We spent a couple hours making hearts, and delivering them, then our check engine light came on and we had to take it in to the dealership, so we had another night on foot.

Friday morning, we picked up our car, and on our way back home, my companion received an email where the subject line was "calls, texts, and video chats?!" That was such an unreal moment. First pants, now this! I thought we were getting pranked. My mission has been legendary and I've only been out for 3 months! I'm beyond excited to be able to call my mom. Its amazing how the work is progressing! After the excitement, we went finding all day, met a lot of "come back later and "I'm Catholic, thank yous" and even one, "sorry we don't believe in the same thing. You don't believe in death right?" Met a lot of wonderful people, but no one who was prepared to receive the gospel.

Saturday, I was in Passaic with sister not companion. It was a blast. We taught a couple lessons and I talked the most I ever have in lessons, it wad a miracle. We went knocking doors for the last hour of the night. We were walking up to a door, and it swung wide open and the man who opened jumped. His name was Nino. The best way to describe him is a an Italian version of Lin Manuel Miranda. He was just about out the door, when we asked if we could share a scripture with him. We shared Mosiah 16:9 with him, but he kind of read it like a rap, like every time it said "yea" he said "yeah" but it was actually very beautiful. He said he didn't have much time but after he read the scripture, he went and got us water, and continued to tell us about all the members he new, and about all the good Italian places to eat in town, and that we should be careful in the streets. He was really nice, but ultimately he said he wasn't interested in our message, which was very sad! But the work continues.

The best thing that happened this week, was in a lesson yesterday! We have been teaching this woman named Yomaira every Sunday. Her husband is basically like the clerk of their church, so for the last two months he hasn't been there, I literally never met him until yesterday. We were able to teach both of them which we were not expecting. We started reading through the 13 articles of faith with them,  and they had SO many questions about the priesthood, it was amazing, but also a little nerve racking. But luckily, we were able to answer all their questions. We extended an invitation for them to know for themselves if these things are true. As sister "companion" was reading the promise in Moroni 10:3-5 she started crying which, is unreal because she doesn't often cry if ever. Yomaira asked her why she was tearing up, and sister companion bore the most humble and beautiful testimony about the truthfulness of the gospel, and about how so often we go out and share this wonderful message to bless their lives but their hearts are so hard they are not even willing to listen to our message. Yomaira looked a little shocked, and hung onto every word. The spirit was so strong, and we have been continually praying ever since, that they may know the truth of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
So yeah, that was my wild week
Hermana Princess Five

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