
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Lemon Ginger Blast Recipe For a Repeat Performance

Many years ago I posted about a drink that our family has used for laryngitis and throat issues for years. We hadn't been sick for quite some time with throat issues and I really forgot about it until a few weeks back when I got sick visiting the grandchildren.  

I made some then and it made me feel so good, that I have started making it and drinking a small glass in the morning and a small glass and night. There is still all sorts of stuff going around that I want to keep myself healthy. 

I realized that I never made a video about the Lemon Ginger Blast, so this time round, I made a video so that my kids could have it in video form. It works wonders and I don't mind the taste so for me it is a win / win. 

Here is a link to the other post.  I stopped at my sisters tonight to drop something off, and she had no voice. Funny enough, I bought the last piece of ginger root that Walmart had and it was in my car. I reminded her about the Lemon Ginger Blast drink and gave her the root I bought as she had all the other ingredients already. Hopefully, reposting this will remind a few other friends about it in case it is needed. 

I also want to share with you, that I make one batch and put it into these smaller cups and store it in the fridge so I can grab one in the morning and one at night. One batch makes about five of these cups so it lasts me a few days if drink two a day. If I am feeling sick, I drink a few more throughout the day.

Have a Blessed and Healthy day! 

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