
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Update on Parasites - 2-19 Teeth, Eyes, Waxy Body Film ALL Worse

I have been looking into several things people suggested on my YouTube channel and tried a few things and am thinking of trying a few more things. 

I need to do more research on some of the suggestions that people have made. I have tried a few more things recently to try and get the parasites down. I have noticed that they are getting worse. I am losing more hair and it is always from the root. 

I have much more biofilm, or waxy substance all over and especially more on the back of my neck and head. I have noticed my hair is super waxy since I haven't colored it recently but even then, it is worse in between colorings than it has ever been. 

I have noticed a few more lines in my teeth and feel them burrowing in my roots and gums and even have some teeth pain now. I am worried if I can't figure it out soon, I may loose my teeth or at least they blacken and yellow like many neighbors and family members. 

I feel them much more active in several spots and I just have to keep putting either Lugols Iodine and / or diatomaceous earth in the areas as I don't know what else to do.

I am contemplating using medical marijuana since those three dreams I had, but I would have to find someone who has fresh leaves and flowers. I am looking into a different type of cbd oil that uses the whole flower to make the oil verses just parts of the plant. I didn't have any noticeable reactions to taking the cbd oil I bought about a year or so ago. It is super expensive and I just didn't notice anything. 

I also had a suggestion of trying a human and animal treatment I hadn't heard of that is made out of tobacco plants. The problem I am finding, is that even though it worked well, it is no longer easy to find. None of the places I contacted sell it anymore in any form but an animal drench. 

I need to make a visit with my Dr and see if he can get it or prescribe it. It may have been taken off the market if the patent ran out similar to Vermox a few years back. It worked well and wasn't all that expensive but when the patent ran out, they took it off the market as they couldn't make as much because all the generics came out. I wonder if it is still available in another country. I am still looking into all that. 

I have more lung damage and am very tired and at times don't think I am getting enough air. I flip - flop all night long with apnea, worms moving, out of breath, numbness in my arms and legs and the burrowing pin pricks that come with this parasite. 

I have been trying to take vitamins and drink less Coke but as has happened before, I am so tired without caffeine that I drag around all day. I was so tired today it took me over three hours to get out of bed. I was awake but I was just so tired. I finally dragged myself up, drank some Ginger Blast drink with cayenne pepper in it hoping to get some energy and another hour of dragging around, I climbed back into bed and slept three hours in the middle of the day. I got up, ate an early dinner and tried to work on my webpage for the parasite and just started crying because I am so tired! I have all these things I WANT to get done and even pulled stuff out to work on, I took some pictures so I could post a few things and was so exhausted I just couldn't do it. 

I did have a SUPER horrible migraine a few days ago and it is supposed to storm tomorrow so I wonder if the weather is affecting me more than I realize and I do have a scratch in the back of my throat so I think I may be coming down with something and that is why I am so tired, but I feel like I haven't got any iron in my system or something. I hate feeling like this as my will and mind want to do things buy my body just can't do it. 

 I made an update video and got a few close up pictures of my teeth lines. I noticed a new line behind the other and one in a further back tooth. I think these parasites are taking all my nutrition and leaving me with nothing. I pray I can figure out what to take to get rid of this. I don't know how much longer my body can take this. 

Have a Blessed and Energy filled day! 


  1. Have you tried black loghts or uv lights? I would love to talk to you about results

    1. I have done tanning beds and it didn't get rid of the rashes. I have not tried black lights as I wouldn't know where to go to get some strong enough to do the entire body. What do you feel they would do? You can write me at my blog email. I would love to hear if you tried something and it worked for you. I am up to trying anything and am always grateful when people share things that have worked for them. Have a Blessed Day!

    2. Hi. I was blown away when I saw your video on YouTube as I have been suffering years with the same issues as you. It has been horrible with symptoms for 30 + years.No physician or specialist has ever listened to me and mark me down as crazy. The past 2 years have been the worst, as now it is in my spinal region and I believe it is now affecting my brain.I am having tremors in my right hand, had what I believe was a mild seizure the other night, as well as throbbing headaches (at the base of my skull) and throbbing backaches ( in my lower lumbar and sacral region). I feel the worms flip flopping in my muscles, my whole body is covered with this rash and I'm not entirely sure how much more I can take. My hands arms and legs fall asleep frequently and the sensation of a burning hot needle stabbing in diffent locations is killing me. I have become increasingly more fatigued and sleep when this infections symptoms allow. I cannot remember things, have become more and more clumsy and have trouble with walking into things. I have that waxy film all over. If you figure this out, please let me know. Love and blessings, Jamie

    3. Hi Jamie,
      I am so sorry to hear the horrible situation you are dealing with! I understand what you are dealing with as I have every symptom you are experiencing.
      I post updates on youtube and if you subscribe and click "notifications" on my channel there, you will know if and when I find anything. I also will update my website called: where you can show your doctors the symptoms all in one place and that others have been diagnosed and that it could also be hook worm or thread worm (stronglyloides) as well as they both have the same symptoms as well.

      Keep positive! I know it is hard when you feel so horrible and have no energy and can't sleep. Just know you are not alone! Hugs!
      Have a blessed day!

  2. Have you tried fendbendazole? It’s a canine dewormer, but we use it for fish and shrimp to get rid of worms. I’m not sure if it is safe for humans, but it could be something to ask your doctor about. I wish you the best of luck!

    1. Hi Amber, I have tried every "azole" available. I have been trying all sorts of other weird things as well and believe at some point, I will figure it out but I appreciate people like you making suggestions as I have tried many suggested things. I am grateful for you taking the time to suggest things. Thank you! Have a blessed day!

  3. I live in Oil city, Pennsylvania and came in contact with this in a home I rented 3 yrs ago, It's ruined my life, I've lost EVERYTHING, my kids, my family, my friends, my sanity. Children's services tried to have me committed and my children no longer interact with me. I have been socially isolated and am currently facing eviction, what can I do to bring awareness, get treatment and recover the life I built???
