
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Second Call From Princess Five - Love The New Rules

Princess Five called me today and sounded very happy and better than the last call I had. I think she was just unsure with how she would react to talking to family that first call. I think she has realized that she can talk to me without getting homesick now, so the call today was probably ten minutes and she was very fun to visit with and gave the me information I needed to send her a package, and it was wonderful! Her email from today is below. 

Hello all! This week has been full of challenges and miracles! 

Earlier this week we received an email from our mission president saying that the mission department released a new policy for missionaries saying that because there is not a temple in our mission boundaries, we will no longer be able to go to the temple. When I first heard this, I was a little upset, but after thinking and praying about it more, I have found peace with it. I'm sad but not mad. And what a BLESSING, the heavens are open, and the leaders of the church are receiving revelation continually, even if we may not be happy with, or understand it now.

The other day we went knocking and my companion and I both felt we should go to a certain street. We had the idea that when people would answer the door to just start teaching the plan of salvation, we didn't even give them time to speak, at one ,we were already talking about the spirit world before she said she couldn't speak English.  We knocked 7 houses, 5 were home, 3 were Hispanics, and all 5 listened to our message and said we could come back! BLESSINGS!

We had our half mission conference with Elder Haynie of the seventy, and he talked a lot about gathering scattered Israel, it was amazing. The next day, we had stake conference and heard from Elder Hamilton another seventy, he talked about how when Jesus was in the garden he came back to the sleeping apostles and said, "could ye not watch with me one hour". He talked about how there are 168 hours in a week and we have one hour in sacrament meeting and very often we are falling asleep or on our phones(I personally am guilty of both of these) but could we not give him one hour?

On Sunday afternoon, we had a lesson with Sisco and Maira. Last week we asked them to read and pray to know that Joseph was a prophet. We called them in the middle of the week to see if they had received an answer Maira said she hadn't but her husband had, but he would explain on Sunday. We were so nervous all week so we planned for the worst. Let's just say we planned correctly. Sisco said he had prayed and received "revelation" that our message was wrong, then he asked his preacher about it, and some other friends, and the internet. In the end we bore our testimony of this gospel and the truthfulness of it,  because they had already made up their minds. They respectfully returned the book of Mormon they hadn't read, and asked if they could pray for us before we left. 

During the prayer sister Byron and I looked over at each other in tears. We weren't crying because our feelings were hurt, which is probably what they thought, but because for the last 3 months we have loved them and seen them as God sees them. And, we know of the blessings and the life they could have had. They love God and are doing what they believe is best to follow him, but unfortunately they have just been misinformed. So, we are not mad, just sad, and we will miss them.

I KNOW this is Gods one and only true church, I know Joseph Smith was and is the prophet of the restored Gospel. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God, because I've read it for myself, and have felt it in my heart, through the power of the holy ghost.
Thank you so much for all your love and support!
Hermana Princess Five

Me and an Elder from my home town 
Sister "companion" and I Proselytizing
Our friend John we always pass on the street while he's waiting for the bus, he's a fun guy

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