
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Sharing How to Make Personal Family Paper Dolls on Video

Many years ago, I made some personalized home made personalized paper dolls for my girls. 

I posted about them back in 2010 when I first made them. I'll put links below to how I made them. 

Here is part 1. 
Here is part 2. 
Here is part 3. 
Here is part 4.


Back then, I wasn't able to do videos as the internet was so slow. Even now it takes me hours for a few minute video so I took this video on my phone hoping I would be able to upload it faster and my new camera continues to be blurry during videos so hopefully the video off the camera will be good enough to get the point across. 

My girls played with these and their older sister joked about not having one for her so I cut out her face from another picture of her and glued it on one of their pictures. It isn't the best but you can get the idea. 

I thought I was rather creative figuring out how to make these. I learned much from making them and would make them larger now knowing what I know but it was still fun to do with the girls. If you were super talented, you could just manipulate the pictures to whatever size you needed them to be but I did it old school. 

It was fun and the girls liked getting changed into the different costumes and getting to do a photo shoot in all sorts of fun costumes. If you were patient, you could just take pictures of your child every day over the holiday season in their different clothes and costumes, coat etc and place them in the same spot on the wall and take it from the same place and over time, you would have the different outfits and hairdos and dress-up pictures and you could just surprise them with the paper dolls. They wouldn't even need to know what you were doing. 

You could even draw a picture of them on white poster paper and have them stand in the same exact pose each day against the wall to make sure they were in the exact pose. 

Just some ideas for mom's out there with kids. You could even use them as a way for the child to pick out outfits for the next day if they had issues with that. You could just take a picture and print it the size of some already made store bought paper dolls or just glue a picture of your child's face onto a paper doll. You can do this idea as simple or as difficult as you want. 

I also made kitchen magnets by cutting out cute sayings or pillows, signs etc out of magazines and putting them on the magnetic sheets. I would send them in my Christmas Cards. Just another cute idea from back then. 

I just wanted to share this idea as it was such a fun one for my girls. Have a Blessed Day! 

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