
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Getting to Talk With Princess Five in Jersey

I had a blessing in my life last week getting to speak with my beautiful Princess Five. The missionaries in our church who are serving as full time missionaries are allowed to call home on Christmas Day and on Mothers Day. 

Since Princess Five has just gotten to New Jersey, we weren't sure she would have much to report. She called using IM and I had forgotten that my computer had to have another browser in order to do a group call. 

I was really frustrated for the entire call but much more for the first ten minutes as we were using one of the girls computers and it just kept shutting off IM. 

I finally got my new browser downloaded and everyone had to be in different rooms as there was echoing going on. Then, with everyone on, there was a lag time so when one would talk, it would take about three seconds before it would show up on the computer. It was rough. 

With her only having been there a week, she didn't have much to share about New Jersey but she did tell us that her companion has never driven and is from Haiti. So, that means that as soon as she arrived, she was put into a new car and told to drive. She said the GPS unit is slow and doesn't calculate fast enough and she is three turns ahead of it as the roads are so thin and windy. 

She said there is mostly parallel parking and she never loses her car due to the horrible parking job but I know that she will get better with time. I sent her a different GPS unit. I told her to take two but she only took one and I am hoping this other works more quickly as they don't have data for using their mobile phones. 

I was able to find a back up cell phone for her at a second hand store that looked new and was only $35. She has to have a specific type of phone for their mission plan and we luckily had one to send with her so that it didn't cost us anything. 

I worried if she lost or broke it what we would need to do to get her another quickly but I was super happy when I found the exact phone at the second hand store so I sent it to her this week with the other GPS unit so hopefully she will be able to figure something out with directions to places. 

Her apartment only has one spot of wifi so she has been struggling due to no wifi and no GPS. Hopefully that situation will be fixed soon. It was wonderful to get to talk with her and see her. She looked good but like I said, she had only been there a week and I could see her breaking down when we hung up which was hard for me but I think her seeing the kids growing and changing so much was hard for her also not knowing the area and people for the holidays was probably hard as well. 

I'll share her latest email and video tomorrow if I can figure out how to download and upload it. Have a blessed day! 

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