
Friday, January 18, 2019

Princess Five Missionary Update - What a Wonderful Kind Of Day!

Here is the latest from Princess Five. She didn't send any pictures, so I put a few of her just before she left in here. 

"Sometimes doing the Lord's work can seem a little difficult. This week has been really cold, and it seemed very long, and I still don't understand much of what goes on in lessons, but oh how I love the people of NJ. I love meeting people from every corner of the world. We knocked on a door and a lady from Russia answered, we knocked on the next and they were from Peru. I've learned so much about different cultures and religions.
During this long week, we were getting out of an English lesson, and it was SO COLD. I started skipping to stay warm, and was humming the theme song for Arthur. And it just turned from us frigidly walking to our car, to the two of us running across the cross walk singing, "What a wonderful kind of day!" It's the little things that make the mission so great.

We visited a family with 4 rambunctious kids right before their bedtime, we really wanted to sit down and talk to the mom so we did our best to help put her kids down. So, we help the two older girls finish their homework and then sat them down. I sang "I am a child of God" for them, and for this one minute all the kids sat quietly until the end which is quite a miracle. We said a prayer with them, and sent them off to bed. There wasn't much we could do to help otherwise, but it was good to do the service we could.

We met with a referral named Danny and we taught him the restoration. When we mentioned James 1:5, he held up his finger, pulled out his phone, and showed us a text from that morning. One of his friends, who's not a member, sent him that exact scripture. We were all speechless. How cool is that?! We asked him if he knew these things to be true if he would be baptized, and he said "YES" then asked us what he needed to do next to make that happen. At the end of the lesson, I bore my testimony about how the gospel has blessed my life and promised him in broken Spanish that, "the gospel will help you live your best life." If I were speaking English that's probably not what I would have said, but here we are, he seemed to agree, stayed tuned to hear more about Danny. 

But I love you all, I hope that all of you choose to look and see the hand of God in your lives every day! 
Hermana Princess Five"

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