
Monday, January 21, 2019

Forgotten Parasite Update Videos - Leg Rashes - Lung Damage - Fainting When Laughing - Hiccup - Fatigue

I was super busy during the holiday and true to form, during busy times in my life, I will take pictures and videos and then in the crazy, it gets transferred off my sd cards and then I forget to post it.

I made this parasite update video during the holidays and uploaded it but never put the information on it and posted it. I didn't realize that until I made an update video yesterday and while I was talking during the video, I remembered that I probably hadn't posted this update.

It is a good video and has quite a bit of information so I am posting it here. I found an herb when researching some things and found a place in Ecuador that sells Oje` Resin which is from a vine that takes over large trees and kills the tree but becomes stronger by being a vine parasite.

I don't suggest taking this but wanted to documents that I did try this just for science sake so I researched this for a long time reading everything I could find about it. I read studies and all the reactions and felt it was worth trying.

I tested myself on it to make sure I wasn't going to have any type of allergic reaction and after a few tests, I increased a bit more just to make sure it wasn't going to cause any problems and then I went ahead and took full recommended doses for the full four days.

I didn't notice anything that I could pinpoint for sure that it did do. About a week after taking it, I did have new hatching parasites which is what happens when I take walnut tincture or other anti-parasite herbs, oils etc. So, it is an anti-parasite but like those, it just seems to kill what parasites are in the gut and not those in other areas.

So, if you have intestinal parasites, this resin pronounced "oh hey" resin, may help you, however, it isn't any better than black walnut, oils, silver etc so I wouldn't suggest using it for parasites. It also isn't as well documented so I wouldn't suggest you taking it at all. ALSO, THIS IS RELATED TO THE RUBBER TREE SO, IF YOU HAVE A LATEX ALLERGY, DO NOT TRY THIS! I would stick with things that have been tested. I am just sharing so when they do study this, they can check that off when researching anti-parasitic. It does come up as an anti-parasite treatment so just know, it has been tried.

I did many hours of research on "fainting when laughing" as I almost faint when laughing or straining hard for the past three years or so but it has gotten worse. I have a niece who came home early from serving as a missionary as she keeps fainting when laughing and they keep calling ambulances and then they run tests and can't find anything. Since I have that same issue, I studied about it and looked at many medical pages and many forums and what I came up with are two thoughts that people shared in the forums that their Dr.s came up with.

The first, is that two of the people who have this symptom have lung damage, so perhaps it is as their Dr. said, and that because they can't exchange air well in the lungs, when they laugh, they become depleted of oxygen and pass out until they can catch up. The other I studied, and think it could be, is that it could be a goiter problem due to it blocking off air getting to the brain so laughing keeps you from getting as much air maybe not from the lung issue but the amount of blood going to the brain, or the last option is it is people who have this parasite or strongyloides who have thyroid calcification and lung damage and laughing hard makes them not get enough oxygen from both problems. It is probably the combo of both that makes it that way as I do have both problems. I black out to the point of not seeing anything for a few seconds and have to stop myself from laughing and breathe deeply but I can see myself going down if I was laughing hard standing up.

I realized also that the weird hiccup thing I do, and my other family members do has only gotten worse as I get more parasites and that I believe it is when the parasites burrow quickly into the gut or out of the gut causing a little air release from all the burrow holes and thus a vacuum is created causing the quick intake of air I have mentioned before. It seems to be when I drink water or eat something they don't like so them burrowing in for the water, and burrowing out away from the herbs or medication.

Watch the video as I share lots about different things. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them. It takes me some time to get to everything. Just today, I spent over an hour answering questions from people on youtube and I answer them daily so depending on the day, I can spend a few hours replying to comments. I haven't checked my blog and youtube email yet, but this thing can eat up lots of time.

Thanks for all your support and prayers on this and continue praying that we can find a cure soon. I would LOVE to be done with all this. I feel like my gratitude blog has turned into an information on everything but gratitude blog. SO, with that feeling, I am putting together a new webpage where I can post everything on the parasite and not have to post so much on my blog about it. I really miss the gratitude posts. I have been working on pulling things off SD cards today and realized that I have only posted about 1/4 of the video and pictures I have taken on the blog or youtube as things are so crazy, I just move on with the new stuff. I didn't post about most of my summer. I hope to be able to get better internet soon and maybe it won't take me four or more hours to post a short video.

Have a Blessed and parasite free day!


  1. I think i have this! All my friends think I'm on drugs! But I feel them!!

    1. I am sorry you are dealing with this. Try to get diagnosed so you will have something to show them. I have videos on all of the things I did to finally get diagnosed. The more people that get diagnosed, the more they will look into finding a cure. Have a Blessed Day!

  2. I had these parasites for around 1 1/2 years. The doctors office thought I was delusional. After trying many products to rid the parasites, I used oregano oil capsules for a month at a time. I then waited several hours and then took vitamin C in the form of non GMO ascorbic acid to mop up the dead matter. I put 1 gram, (approx 1/4 tsp) in a glass of water and chugged the mixture. I worked up to 4 grams or 1 tsp ascorbic acid a day. I drank plenty of water and lowered my salt intake. Also, I took 5,000 units of Vit D3 with K a day as I had tested low in Vit D. I also take Magnesium and zinc every day. I have been symptom free for over a year. I threw away all my clothing twice. I found that clothing with Lycra especially held and hid the parasites until I wore the clothing for several hours and they would begin appearing all over the clothing. I still use oregano oil occasionally and I take 4 grams vit C every evening. I researched Vit C via youtube by Linus Pauling and Dr Thomas E. Levy.
    Because this worked for me does not mean it will work for anyone else. Please do your research and check with your doctor before trying any products or supplements.
    Good luck and God bless

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this! I have taken all the things you suggest but haven't done it for as long as you have. I will have to give that a try. I just bought more oregano oil capsules today! I also bought some natural vitamin C today. How funny and Interesting. I will give it a try and am grateful for you taking the time to share your cure with us. Hopefully we will have the same results as you! Thanks again, Have a blessed day!
