
Monday, January 7, 2019

Missionary Monday - Princess Five Plays the Uke and Sings in Spanish - Worth a Listen

Here is last weeks letter from Princess Five. We didn't get any pictures but got something better! She played us a Christmas Carol - Away in a Manger and sang in Spanish and considering that three months ago she didn't play the ukulele or know Spanish, I think she did an amazing job! 

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 

"I don't have much time but this week was really good, I loved talking to my family! 
My companion told me that in Haiti, instead of a tooth fairy they have a Rat, and when you loose a tooth you yell," Rat Rat Rat, I'm sending you a pretty tooth give me an Ugly tooth!" And then you throw your tooth on the roof. You have to ask for an Ugly tooth in order to get a pretty new grown up tooth. 

Any way this week was great! We were able to go Caroling! It was so much fun, a lot of people were so surprised they didn't know that people still did that, but they loved it and tried to give us money, or people wouldn't answer the door, because they thought they'd owe us money which was really sad.

We had a lesson with a man named Marino, and he decided to be baptized!!! We are so excited. We've been trying to street contact but my Spanish is too slow so people just walk away from me, but I'm learning a lot and I'm loving it here, thanks for all your love and support!

Hermana Princess Five"

Have a Blessed Day!  

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